david hoffmeister a course in miracles

david hoffmeister a course in miracles

Blog Article

Opening Session - Place the Future in the Hands of God Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

When you put your future in the hands of God and begin to live by inner guidance in the present moment, it can feel quite foolish at the beginning because our past conditioning is hammering harshly away at us. "What do you think you are? This is ridiculous, and you're throwing your whole life away for God, the great question mark the ego says.

The ego won't even admit that there is a God, and if it has to admit that there is a God, it's a punishing God. It throws a fake God in there. So it's pretty interesting now we're going into this Place the Future in the Hands of God Retreat, that we need each other to reflect miracles. We're mighty companions to one another. We're witnesses to one another's miracles and how God is helping us.

The Holy Spirit's presence is a burning, intense calling to wake us up, and we only have to join our little willingness to this burning, intense calling to wake up, and that will ignite the whole thing; that's what's sends the whole thing off into an actual experience.

Enjoy David and Frances extending their love and presence to everyone, primarily the participant, who engage with them.

You can watch the beginning of the session here on YouTube.


If you are interested to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more website information: circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

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